Aegis Home

Aegis Home was originally created as a part of ECE 140B at UC San Diego. We are currently attempting to spin our idea into a fully-fledged startup, and our IP is currently patent pending.

E46 Drift Car

Picture of a BMW e46 with the hood open showing off the intercooler and turbocharger

This is my first project car, my 2002 BMW e46 325ci. This car started off its life as an automatic, but didn't stay that way for long once I got the car.

Diagram showing how the hardware for v1 of Aegis Home works

The actual hardware implementation of this system is done in C++ on ESP32 microcontrollers. Each peripheral system, regardless of the intended use case, contains a relay, a current sensor, a temperature and humidity sensor, and an AC-DC power converter. The ESP32s in the peripherals interface with the center hub of the house, the thermostat, through the MQTT protocol on the user's WiFi network. The thermostat, which is also run with an ESP32, allows the user to change the temperature set-point of the house, as well as individually select which peripheral system's temperature system the user wants to use to set the temperature.